Bright Star 
The Myth of Death and Other True Stories 

author Alanna Marohnic  

Softcover, 154 pages, 16 x 16 cm

A great loss propelled me through a portal of light into a place which
radically expanded my awareness of the Divine. 
I had not expected this
profound experience nor had I been looking for it. But upon my return
from the other side of the veil, I felt a deep obligation to share in detail
all the wonders shown to me in great abundance.
Purchasing Bright Star
The price per book: 
   $20 CAD (includes hst)
+ $10 CAD for shipping
= $30 CAD Total
Payment method: please send an Interac e-transfer 
to Alanna Marohnic at email 
Paying via direct deposit or by cash can also be arranged.
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In Praise of Bright Star

This is a moving book.

This is an important book.

This book is a very special gift to all humanity.

I knew Jennifer Garrett and I know Alanna Marohnic - this is a true book.

I am sitting here just having read Bright Star. I am filled with a holy, reverential
and expanded feeling, with compassion for myself and others. With a desire to fully
absorb an understanding that only love is real and that we truly do not die.

Sheri Etherington, Canada


There are few books in someone's life that have that magical impact on our
perception of something very important. This is one of those books....

At first I was so scared to read it, so afraid to get in touch with a sense of
leaving mother. The emotion was transforming as I kept reading and by the

end of the book there was a feeling of complete acceptance and eternal connection
Without any fear of losing. There is something so Big and Divine in Alanna's words
saying "She gave life to us, and now she was giving us her death".

Lana Cvitak, Croatia

Bright Star takes us on a journey of wonder, as the author pulls back the layers
of what it is to be human and what it is to be divine. Full of joy, deep wisdom, 
and humour, this story gets into your bones in surprising ways.
Eleanor Albanese, Canada
"She gave life to us
and now
she was giving us her death."
Just like her paintings, Alanna draws the story with master strokes, pregnant
with small ornaments, an exquisite drawing..BUT...
the pale, cold colours of our society detached from death (and consequently life),
contrasted with strong, almost psychedelic
 colours of true LOVE that can be seen
by those who experience the greatest of God's gifts.
Sven Buic, Croatia

Be careful. Your mind may be expanded by a new idea when reading Bright Star.
Highly recommended. Edge of your seat read and totally real.
Gabrielle Rutledge, Canada
A daughter's fierce love propels her on a here-to-the hereafter journey when her mother
unexpectedly dies. The way Alanna describes the events as well as how the words are laid
out on the page are riveting. It's some of the finest and most profound writing I've read
in my life.
  Sonja Obljubek, Canada